Engaging Operation & Maintenance (O&M) of Padma Multipurpose Bridge and its Associated Facilities works
Name of associated Consultants: Korea Expressway Corporation (Lead Firm),
Major Bridge & Engineering Corporation (JV Partner), S. Traffic (Associate Partner & Co-Consultant)
Client: Bangladesh Bridge Authority
Narrative Description of Project:
Due to the project, the collaboration among Excelerate Energy, Petrobangla, and the International Finance Corporation (IFC) has happened to provide and arrange the required funding for the terminal. Excelerate Energy has developed and will operate the terminal for 15 years, after which the company will transfer ownership to Petrobangla allowing for the continued realization of its benefits.
The primary goal of this project is the Management, Operation, and maintenance of the Padma Bridge and associated works. The Commencement date for the maintenance and operation of the area including all facilities included therein and will be the date specified in the agreement from such later date as BBA may from time to time notify the operator, and actual maintenance and operation work will start from 1st July 2022. The operator’s duty in service areas 1,2, and 3 Maintenance will start from January 2023 (51MM) and RTW maintenance work will start from May 2023 (48MM). Toll operation commences from 26th June 20225Bridge maintenance work will start to commence from January 2023 after the main bridge construction is fully completed. KEC-TELETELL shall throughout the term be responsible for the proper management, operation, and maintenance of the Padma Multipurpose Bridge area including all the associated facilities comprised within the Padma multipurpose bridge area (including the supervision, facilitation, and co-ordination of the activities of third-party operators and other persons within the Padma multipurpose bridge area) in a safe and efficient manner to the satisfaction of BBA. The operator shall also manage, operate, and maintain the Padma multipurpose bridge area its toll operation, IT Service, security, and bridge maintenance in accordance with the provisions of the BBA act, the regulations, and other applicable legislation and regulations, the maintenance management program, the maintenance procedures, the operations and maintenance manuals generally in accordance with this contract and co-operation agreements.
Description of actual services provided by your staff within the assignment:
- Establishment of ITS (Toll, ATMS & WIM)
- Bridge Maintenance
- Bank protection works inspection and maintenance
- Road Patrolling and road management
- Road, road structure & Embankment Maintenance
- Workshop management
- Water and electricity supply
- Safety and security
- Environments, Gardening, health and hygiene
- Related equipment and vehicle operation & maintenance
- Toll office operation & maintenance
- Operation and maintenance (O&M) of ITS (Toll & ATMS & WIM)
- Operations and Maintenance (O&M) of Management system
- Procurements of vehicles/ tools & equipment/ toll collection systems and IT equipment related to the O&M activities.
- Training of BBA personnel for the purpose of technology transfer.